Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Own Big Give: Kris, Part 1

This is the story of my own Big Give. Not smooth, flawless or selfless as you'll see. In fact I'm still in the planning stages, so let me give you a glimpse.

I had the same reaction you probably did when I first heard about TBG. It certainly is thought provoking. Creativity is not my biggest strength, but this isn't opportunity for excuses. I've written Big Give Coaching Sessions on how you can pull off an amazing give. No reason I shouldn't be able to practice what I preach.

So, my mind first jumped to bread. I am good at making bread. It's a basic staple, fairly cheap to make and labour intensive enough that I'll look good for putting in the time. See, told you I'm not selfless.

Originally I thought of people around the community I could "bless with bread." Not many people have the time or ability to have fresh homemade loaves in their kitchen (and, indeed, even I generally just grab a loaf from the grocery store). But, The Big Give has this effect where you start thinking of what could really be achieved.

So, I have another plan. I'm not too sure if I can pull it off, but it still involves bread. At the very least, I figure, I'm promoting eating local healthy food which is a concept I believe worth supporting on it's own. The budget could be a barrier, but so it's meant to be. My creativity needs the stretching, and I've remembered a bag of whole wheat Non-genetically-modified flour I already own.

I've decided on the skill, have ideas on the inspiration, and have planned out my budget. Finding time in my schedule will be the next big challenge, but one I'll overcome. Watch for my next post as I concrete my plans in place, and share some of the details.

Regardless, TBG has opened a mindset. The posts I read from others are nothing if not inspiring. I've been reminded of the little things I can do every single day to improve on someone else's. And that, my friends, is what The Big Give is all about.



Dori the Giant said...

Love it.
To be honest, I have no idea how to make bread. I can't make a lot of things.

Can't wait to see what you end up doing though. :)

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